Thursday, August 1, 2013

GTA V Fast Approaching

It is hard to believe that it is the first day of August that means that we can safely say that GTA V is coming out next month. with that there are many questions still left to be answered by Rockstar. Last week when Rockstar 12 new photos they announced that there will be information on the multiplayer component of the game. From the gameplay video that we saw, we could see that the playable character was inside a building which could likely be your safe house. Now with that this could mean that other buildings could be accessible in different multiplayer matches. This could change the model of close quarter combat. That is going to change the tactics of deathmatches and free-roam because it will be difficult for players to see their opponents. this is one of the many questions that need to be answered in regard to multiplayer. Also one of the main things that need to be announced is, "What is the track list looking like?' This is something that I really would like Rockstar to shed some light on because in the last visit we had to Los Santos in GTA San Andreas the playlist was amazing. It had music that all parties could enjoy. So those are just two of the many questions that have been rattling my brain and i'm sure many of you out there in the GTA universe would like to know as well. If anybody has anything they want to ask or discuss feel free to comment. Until next time stay classy.          

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Simple Media Reviews

A Voice For Regular Gamers:

          There are a lot of gaming websites that give you a review of many different T.V. shows, video games, movies, and opinions of the latest rumors that are going around the web. I am here to give a simple opinion and let the facts be known about why or why not to see the latest show on T.V., see the newest movie out, or buy the newest video game. I have been playing video games for 16 years, and I have been reading reviews for several years now from many sites. I have seen how it's done and I am going by a specific line of what I think a video game, T.V. show, or movie should be judged by. Think of me as a hero for your wallet on things that could be a total bust. so call me RandomHero. and there will be plenty of reviews to follow this initial blog so keep your eyes open.